About Me

My photo
I retired from the food industry (salesman)in 1996.Bought a motor home, stored all the goods that we thought we might need when we found a place to light. Left California, where we were both natives, and took off to see America.After five years we had found the Ozarks of Arkansas and fell in love with the beauty and ruralness. We sold the motor home and bought a home here. Hauled all of our belongings from Calif. found lots of new friends and a good church.Our town and surrounding area has a population of about 11,000. The closest big town is about 12 miles South of us.I belong and sit on the board of the Dover Chamber of Commerce. Life is good here.




Dreams of a bygone era

The Tall Ships

The Tall Ships
To Sail Is Bliss


Fond memories

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This is a dwarf Apple tree I planted in my front yard a couple of months ago. Actually I planted two, one golden and the other red. They will grow to about ten feet tall. I had a giant Sycamore tree cut down last fall because it's roots were cutting into my water line. The shade from it was nice but it was such a messy tree,always dropping something besides it's leaves

1 comment:

  1. But...but..I thought I had commented here. Ah well...
    My dearest friends, we are getting old. I don't realize it until I see photo's and I am really surprised what just the last two years have done to me. However... :) we..are young at heart!
    Tell Nedra she looks so thin to me...and I look so fat to her probably!
    I cropped the heck out of photo I had to post yesterday! I am HUGE! Blown up like a balloon.
    I guess I should start dieting...tomorrow.
    Today I had three tamale's I bought from a woman at a garage sale, a small dish of chocolate bread puddiing....never mind. You get the idea..(took my pills tonight with chocolate milk and two tiny butterfly cookies. lol :) Life is good.
    Fat or not!
    About the tree. Well.....if you were planted in one spot and couldn't move...I'll just betcha you would "drop stuff" too. Would you want to be cut down??? Hmmmmmmm?? :)

    You are off to a good start, Sweetie! Keep up the good work!
    Hugs and love,
